Clicker training your rabbits happens the same way it does for dogs and other animals. It is simply a matter of getting your rabbit to associate the clicker with a treat. From this point, it is possible to introduce the cue for a desired action (such as “come”, or “stand”) before clicking; this enables your rabbit to discern key words and the actions that go with them.
To begin with clicker training, you will need to have a supply of fresh, tasty treats available along with your clicker. With your rabbit nearby, make noise with the clicker, and then wait just a second, so the sound has a chance to register. Then, reward your rabbit with a treat. Wait until the treat is gone and repeat the action.
Once your bunny associates the click with a treat, you can be more discerning about how and when you offer it. If, for example, you want to get your rabbit to come on command, you should wait for your rabbit to approach. When she does, click and rewar.. [More]